Pacific Media Watch

Pacific Media Watch is compiled by Asia Pacific Report editor Dr David Robie, Asia Pacific Media Network, and a group of journalists, students, stringers and researchers as an independent regional media freedom and educational resource.

Cartoon: © Malcolm Evans for Pacific Media Watch

The monitoring service was founded in 1996 at the University of Technology, Sydney, and at the University of Papua New Guinea. It was also hosted at the University of the South Pacific for five years, and at AUT University's Pacific Media Centre for 13 years.

Items are provided solely for review purposes as a non-profit educational service.

Copyright remains the property of the original producers as indicated in the taglines at the end of the item. Recipients should seek permission from the copyright owner for any republishing. 

Copyright owners not wishing their materials to be posted by PMW, please contact us.

The views expressed in material listed by PMW are not necessarily the views of PMW or the Asia Pacific Media Network.

The project has previously been assisted by Pacific Development and Conservation Trust and United Nations grants. Browse the PMW news page at Asia Pacific Report for further information.
Pacific Media Watch Project - The Genesis, 2019

(cc)1996-2010 Creative Commons. Attribution Noncommercial Licence 4.0

Email contact and feedback:

Convenor: Professor David Robie