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Reflections on PNG’s Draft National Media Development Policy 2023

MEDIA RELEASE: Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN), Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa New Zealand
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An urgent rethink is needed on several aspects of the Draft Media Policy

We have been asked by several Papua New Guinean journalists for some reflections and suggestions on this draft policy. We are an independent media research and publication collective that has published the Pacific Journalism Review research journal, founded at the University of Papua New…

Submission on proposed NZ Aid Scholarships for Papuan Students

To the Member of Parliament for Taieri
Papuan Students Association Oceania (PSAO), Asia Pacific Media Network Inc. (APMN) and the Whānau Community Centre and Hub (WCCH), Tāmaki Makaurau                               

The need for a Papuan scholarship like other Pacific students

The Papuan students association urge for the consideration be given to an annual scholarship applicable to the Indigenous…

Submission on the Aotearoa New Zealand public Media Bill

Lack of vision or substantial rationale
To the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee
Submission on the Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill 
Pacific Journalism Review and the Asia Pacific Media Network | Te Koakoa Incorporated

  • While the Pacific Journalism Review and its publisher, Asia Pacific Media Network, welcome the attempt to substantially strengthen Aotearoa New Zealand’s public interest media with a publicly owned media organisation (ANZPM) designed for the digital age…