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Kia Ora Whānau #7

Asia Pacific Network News Updates #7/2024. 28 June 2024.
Kia Ora Whanau and Happy Matariki today.

APMN crew heading for Fiji for the 2024 Pacific International Media Conference
Five of our members have become the Asia Pacific Media Network contingent to the 2024 Pacific International Media Conference being hosted by The University of the South Pacific in Fiji next week.
And a sixth member, USP journalism programme head Associate Professor Shailendra…

Kia Ora Whānau #6

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #6/2024 – 5 February 2024
Kia Ora Whānau and Happy Waitangi Day tomorrow,
A few quick updates on Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) activities, happenings and future events:
Key upcoming dates:
APMN Annual General Meeting (April 2024 TBC)
APMN Nuclear-Free Exhibition Planning meeting (TBC) 
APMN participation in Pacific Media Summit (USP, Suva, Fiji, 4-6 July 2024)
 Celebration of 30 years publishing of…

Kia Ora Whānau #5

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #5/2023 – 23 October 2023
Kia Ora Whānau,
A few quick updates on Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) activities, happenings and future events:
Key upcoming dates:
APMN participation in JERAA 2023 (UTS Sydney, 5-7 December 2023)
APMN participation in Pacific Media Summit (USP, July 2024 – more information soon)
 Celebration of 30 years publishing of PJR at the Pacific Media Summit (USP,

Kia Ora Whānau #4

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #4/2023 – 4 September 2023
Kia Ora Whānau,
 A few quick updates on Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) activities, happenings and future events:
Key upcoming dates:
APMN participation in AMIC 2023 (Bandung, Indonesia, 28-30 September 2023)
APMN participation in JERAA 2023 (UTS Sydney, 5-7 December 2023)
Call for Papers for next PJR (publication due July, 2024)
Submissions for next PJR edition…

Kia Ora Whānau #3

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #3/2023 – 22 June 2023
Kia Ora Whānau,
 A few quick updates on Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) activities, happenings and future events:
Key upcoming dates:
APMN SGM (date
Monday, June 26, 2023 - see separate notice sent from our secretary Khairiah A. Rahman)
Tuwhera Workshop (Wednesday,
June 28, 2023 – see attached flyer with venue, Zoom & programme details)
West Papua seminar (Saturday…

Kia Ora Whānau #2

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #2/2023 – 28 February 2023
Kia Ora Whānau,
 A few quick updates on Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) activities, happenings and future events:
Key upcoming dates:
APMN AGM (date
April 14, 2023, TBC)
Submissions for next PJR edition close: March 31, 2023
Publication of next PJR edition: July 2023

Pictured top: Professor Steven Ratuva pictured with PJR back copies. Image: Macmillan Brown Centre…

Kia Ora Whānau #1

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #1/2023 – 4 January 2023
Kia Ora Whānau,
Hepi Niu Yia Olgeta!
 A few quick updates on Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) activities, happenings and future events:
Key upcoming dates:
APMN AGM (date TBC in
early April)
Submissions for next PJR edition close: March 31, 2023
Publication of next PJR edition: July 2023

Pictured top: Hepi Niu Yia Olgeta - from…

APMN Updates #3

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #3/2022 - 21 November 2022
Kia Ora Whānau,
A few quick updates on APMN happenings and future events:
1      Journalism Education Association of New Zealand (JEANZ) annual conference and AGM, 7/8 December 2022
Several people from our APMN whānau will be attending the JEANZ conference and presenting papers or taking part in discussions, among them PJR editor Philip Cass and assistant…

APMN Updates #2

2Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #2/2022 - 13 October 2022
Kia Ora Whānau,
A few quick updates on APMN happenings and future events:
1.  Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill
Along with the widely publicised media organisation submissions on the bill (but limited media coverage on public or community submissions – a total of 892 written submissions), our Pacific Journalism Review editor Philip Cass recently gave a…

APMN Updates #1

Asia Pacific Media Network News Updates #1/2022 - 10 September 2022
Kia Ora Whānau,
A few quick updates on APMN happenings and future events:

1. Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill
Thanks to Philip and Heather, we were able to make an 11th hour submission this week to the Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill, a vitally important development in New Zealand public interest journalism and it is vital for our…