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Google is worth more in Australia than major news outlets. Here’s how it could better fund journalism

ANALYSIS: By Rob Nichols, Cameron McTernan, Scott Fitzgerald and Terry Flew
The Global Media Internet Concentration Project examines the concentration of the communications and media in countries around the world. 

The latest data for Australia have recently been released, and they show just how big Google is in the country. 

Alphabet (Google’s parent company) had 2022 revenue in Australia of A$7.9 billion. 

Murdoch to Musk: how global media power has shifted from the moguls to the big tech bros

ANALYSIS: By Matthew Ricketson, Deakin University and Andrew Dodd, The University of Melbourne
Until recently, Elon Musk was just a wildly successful electric car tycoon and space pioneer. Sure, he was erratic and outspoken, but his global influence was contained and seemingly under control.

But add the ownership of just one media platform, in the form of Twitter — now X — and the maverick has become a mogul, and…

Samoa Observer: A slap across the face of media freedom

EDITORIAL: The Samoa Observer editorial board
The Samoan government’s attempt to control the media for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting is a slap across the face of press freedom, democracy and freedom of speech.

It is a farce and an attempt by a dysfunctional government unit to gag local and overseas media.

No international forum of such importance does this. The United Nations, the Pacific Islands Forum or other CHOGMs never…

How Māori media and iwi united during historic news coverage of Kiingi Tuheitia tangihanga

COMMENTARY: By Jessica Tyson
In recent years Kiingi Tuheitia became known as the “king of unity” with his determined drive for kotahitanga involving rangatahi.

So last week, through his tangihanga and the accession of his successor, a unique first took shape as the largest group of Māori broadcasters to ever work together collaborated with iwi in honouring his “wairua wind”.

Every day during the week-long tangihanga, news and radio teams from many…

Mediawatch: Kiingi Tuheitia’s tangihanga – epic broadcast marks new epoch for te ao Māori

RNZ MEDIAWATCH: By Colin Peacock, RNZ Mediawatch presenter
“Anticipation is growing. The warriors are ready. They’re preparing themselves. The paddlers are already on their waka,” Scotty Morrison, alongside veteran journalist Tini Molyneux, told viewers from the banks of the Waikato River.

It was Thursday, and the body of Kiingi Tuheitia was being escorted to the barge to take him to his resting place on Taupiri maunga.

That prompted Morrison — the…

NZ Herald’s disclosure obligation to readers: Why are we waiting?

COMMENTARY: By Gavin Ellis
The New Zealand Herald and its publisher are failing to follow a golden rule: Engage with readers when they question your actions.

The Herald is currently confronted by two controversies. The first is its decision to use artificial intelligence to write editorials. The second is its decision to publish a highly divisive advertising wrap-around paid for by the lobby group Hobson’s Pledge.

In neither case has the newspaper…

Kim Williams is right to criticise how the ABC covers news, but he needs to fix it

ANALYSIS: By Denis Muller, The University of Melbourne
ABC chair Kim Williams has attracted considerable attention with his criticism of the broadcaster’s online news choices. Williams has taken issue with what he sees as the ABC prioritising lifestyle stories over hard news.

In the process, he has raised an important issue of principle.

Is it right for the chair to insert himself into editorial decision-making, even at the level of broad…

AI-created editorials: What in HAL’s name was the Herald thinking?

COMMENTARY: By Dr Gavin Ellis in Knightly Views
Integrity is the most valued element of a news organisation’s reputation. Without it, it cannot expect its audience to lend credence to what it publishes or broadcasts. So, The New Zealand Herald has dealt itself an awful blow.

Its admission that it used generative AI to scrape content and then create an editorial about the All Blacks came only after it was caught out…

Pacific Journalism Review at 30 – a strong media legacy

COMMENTARY: By David Robie in Devpolicy Blog
Pacific Journalism Review (PJR) began life three decades ago in Papua New Guinea and recently celebrated a remarkable milestone in Fiji with its 30th anniversary edition and its 47th issue.

Remarkable because it is the longest surviving Antipodean media, journalism and development journal published in the Global South. It is also remarkable because at its birthday event held in early July at the…

US election: 5 ways to manage your news consumption to reduce anxiety

By Mark Pearson, Journlaw
As I started to disappear into the vortex of 24/7 media coverage of the US election, I recalled the news anxiety I experienced in 2020 at the start of the covid-19 pandemic which prompted me to write an article for The Conversation titled “Coronavirus: 5 ways to manage your news consumption in times of crisis“.

I republish an edited version here …

Following events in the…

It takes more than global chaos to change the front page

Knightly Views, by Gavin Ellis
The computer chaos that enveloped much of the world on Friday told us something about almost all of New Zealand’s daily newspapers: Either their deadlines mean they are no longer newspapers, their priorities lie elsewhere, or their "news" values are shot to hell.

I say “almost all” because one newspaper stood out from its contemporaries. The Otago Daily Times was the only paper that led its…

A role for Pacific media in charting a pragmatic global outlook

By Shailendra Bahadur Singh and Amit Sarwal in Suva
Given the intensifying situation, journalists, academics and experts joined to state the need for the Pacific, including its media, to re-assert itself and chart its own path, rooted in its unique cultural, economic and environmental context.

The tone for the discussions was set by Papua New Guinea’s Minister for Information and Communications Technology Timothy Masiu, chief guest at the official dinner of the…