
Pacific Journalism Review in the news

Publication by Pacnews agency on 2 August 2024 - 2014 caricature (20th anniversary) by Malcolm Evans.
Asia Pacific Media Network
Our article by David Robie about 30 years of Pacific Journalism Review published by DevPolicy Blog of Australian National University's Development Policy Centre was widely picked up by news media in the region.

After initially being republished by the Fiji-based regional Pacnews service, it was also published at least three national dailies -- the PNG Post-Courier, The Fiji Times and the Fiji Sun.

Ironically, it was not picked up by any NZ media that we are aware of even though it is the only journalism journal published in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed.

PJR in the Fiji Sun, 5 August 2024.
PJR in The Fiji Times, 6 August 2024.

PJR in the PNG Post-Courier, 6 August 2024.

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